October 16, 2011

It's YOU Time

From the minute you get engaged to your wedding day you can get absolutely consumed with wedding planning. There is so much to do that every waking moment (and sometimes even in your dreams) can be filled with thoughts of caterers, invitations, cakes, dancing and more. There is so much to do that taking care of yourself becomes last priority, which only has negative side effects, including high stress levels, neglecting your relationships and even causing your skin to become less than perfect!

Take a time out, focus on yourself and your relationships. Take these little moments as often as you can. Below are just some ideas of things you can do, and it's important. Trust me, it will help keep you sane during this ever-so stressful time!

  • Date Night - This is probably THE most important thing you can do during your wedding planning. Why? Because you want to make sure that you keep sight of the reason you are doing all of this planning in the first place - the person you fell in love with and plan to spend the rest of your life with! Coming back to reality and spending a night out, enjoying dinner, dancing, a movie or whatever it was that the two of you did before you got engaged will give you both a break and a chance to do nothing but focus on each other.
    Side Note - Try not to bring up the wedding one single time during this date. There will be plenty of time for that tomorrow.

  • Spa Day - Time for some pampering!!! Not only will you get the opportunity to de-stress, relax and have someone else take care of you, you will be getting the added bonus of preparing for the big day. Facials, manicures and even massages help you get ready for looking even more fabulous than you already do for your wedding. Side Note - This is not the time for those wedding planning thoughts that keep creeping into your head, push them out by concentrating on deep breathing and thoughts of how good it feels to have someone else take care of you.

  • Girls Night Out - It is so important that you do not neglect your relationships with your girlfriends during this busy time. Once the wedding is over, you want to be just as close to these ladies as you were before the engagement. They've probably been hearing so much about your big day, that they haven't had a chance to fill you in on their lives. Go out to drinks or go shopping and make it all about them. Ask them how THEY are and what THEY'VE been up to. Side Note - Ok, maybe you can slip a few things about the wedding in there, but only the fun things. And, make sure the conversation quickly turns back to them.

  • Family Bonding - Have you missed your weekly phone call with Aunt Betsy all month? Don't! Your family will understand that you have a lot to do, and would rather keep their time with you short and sweet than not have it at all. So, make sure you are still going to dinner on Sunday night with your parents, that you are still catching up with your siblings and that you aren't missing any traditional weekly phone calls! Side Note - Your family will actually want to talk about your wedding. This is a great opportunity to catch up and brainstorm for the big day.

Keep you sanity with these important wedding planning breaks. They will keep you and your loved ones happy!

Want to make sure you have time for these time outs? Let us help!! Ansley Event Design will take care of all the details so you have plenty of time to make sure you are taking care of you! Contact us at info@ansleyeventdesign.com to learn more.

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